Friday, April 11, 2008

Otto Undercover: Born to Drive by Rhea Perlman

Meet Otto Philip, a young boy who inherits a bad singing gene. But bad singing voice or not, Otto Philip is a young genius that is one of the world’s greatest racecar drivers! He even built his own racecar (the fastest in the world!) that he named Racecar. Why racecar, you ask? Because Otto loves palindromes! Palindromes are words that are spelled the same backwards and forwards—even Otto’s name is one!

Young Otto lives with his aunts because his parents had supposedly left to go find the eighth continent in the world. But Otto does not mind living with his aunts; they’ve helped him get his driver’s license and even wrote him a note to help him get out of school forever! Now Otto has plenty of time to invent new things and to tweak Racecar (who already has everything from a tire washer to a voice-controlled system!) so it will be better than ever!

A big race is coming up: the Yazoo 200, where the winning racer will be awards one million dollars. Otto Philip is hoping to be that winner (who wouldn't want a million dollars?) But before you go on to think that Otto is a selfish, spoiled little racecar driver, he wanted to win the prize money so he could donate it to Dr. Fran Kafmat of the Children’s hospital for it’s research of a germ blocker. However, other eyes are on that huge sum as well—and not all are willing to donate it to a good cause like Otto is! Along with this race, more surprises will ensue—can Otto beat his rivals?

Even Otto is caught off guard on morning when he wakes up to find that Racecar has been stolen and replaced with a broken imitation! A pair of dumb crooks (who have repeated third grade a handful of times!) managed to sneak into Otto’s garage during the night! What will he do now? Can he track down the thieves and still compete?

Otto Undercover: Born to Drive is an easy, enjoyable read for young readers—especially those who like racecars! With easy chapters and a few stabs at humor this book will delight young readers and leave them wanting another adventure with Otto!

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